Welcome JRY Members!online yoga Class Library Back to Members Home Page Yoga Class Club March 2025An optional way to use the class library for a more cultivated experience! Yoga Class Club Full Yoga Class Library Search the class library, or select a category to browse classes. Skip to Videos All Classes | Quick Warm Up Flows | Feel Good Flows | Vigorous Vinyasa Flows | Yoga Strength Flows | Keep It Low Mellow Flows | Pre / Postnatal | 10 Minutes | 20 Minutes | 30 Minutes | 45 Minutes | 60 Minutes | Core Focused | Lower Body | Upper Body | Whole Body | Active | Strong | Gentle | Chair Yoga | External Load Options | Flow Style Practice | Prop-Free Practice | Jenni Rawlings | Ariana Rabinovitch | Emily Benaron | Francesca Cervero | Jenn Pilotti | Joe Miller | Magnus Ringberg | Laura Baehr | Laurel Beversdorf | Lauren Anderson | Lizette Pompa | Samantha Faulhaber | Trina Altman | Jenni Rawlings, Active, 10 Minutes, Whole Body, Quick Warm Up Flows, Flow Style Practice, Quick Warm-Up Flow 79 A quick flow peppered with creative hip mobility moves! 30 Minutes, Jenni Rawlings, Active, Whole Body, Flow Style Practice, Prop-Free Practice, Lower Body, High Low Sun Salutation Flow A creative full-body flow that moves from standing to seated and back again, repeatedly and intentionally. Jenni Rawlings, Active, 10 Minutes, Whole Body, Quick Warm Up Flows, Flow Style Practice, Quick Warm-Up Flow 78 A quick practice with a focus on core connection and upper mobility. Active, 45 Minutes, Magnus Ringberg, Flow Style Practice, Creative Standing-Based Flow w/ Magnus Ringberg An innovative standing flow with a very special guest teacher! Jenni Rawlings, Active, 10 Minutes, Whole Body, Quick Warm Up Flows, Flow Style Practice, Quick Warm-Up Flow 77 Shoulder and spine mobility are the stars of this quick flow! Jenni Rawlings, Active, 45 Minutes, Whole Body, Flow Style Practice, Prop-Free Practice, Lower Body, Core Focused, Half Moon-Themed Flow Celebrate half moon pose in this creative flow class! Jenni Rawlings, Active, 10 Minutes, Whole Body, Quick Warm Up Flows, Flow Style Practice, Quick Warm-Up Flow 76 A creative flow with an extra emphasis on the ankles. Jenni Rawlings, Active, 10 Minutes, Whole Body, Quick Warm Up Flows, Flow Style Practice, Quick Warm-Up Flow 75 A hip and shoulder stability-themed flow. Jenni Rawlings, Active, 45 Minutes, Whole Body, Flow Style Practice, Prop-Free Practice, Lower Body, Vigorous Vinyasa Flows, Strong, Vigorous Vinyasa Flow (Without the Vinyasa) 10 A creative flow designed to turn up the fire a bit! Jenni Rawlings, Active, 10 Minutes, Whole Body, Quick Warm Up Flows, Flow Style Practice, Quick Warm-Up Flow 74 A very fun flow that utilizes our friend the yoga strap (or similar object)! Jenni Rawlings, Active, 45 Minutes, Whole Body, Flow Style Practice, Prop-Free Practice, Core Focused, Move Your Spine Flow Connect to your spine in a whole new way in this dynamic practice! Jenni Rawlings, Active, 10 Minutes, Whole Body, Quick Warm Up Flows, Flow Style Practice, Quick Warm-Up Flow 73 Let’s activate our shoulders from all directions! Active, 45 Minutes, Magnus Ringberg, Flow Style Practice, Creative Kneeling-Based Flow w/ Magnus Ringberg An innovative low-to-the-ground practice with a very special guest teacher! 30 Minutes, Jenni Rawlings, Gentle, Lower Body, Gentle & Restorative Hip-Opening Practice Slow down and connect to your hips in this gentle, thoughtful class. Jenni Rawlings, Active, 45 Minutes, Whole Body, Flow Style Practice, Prop-Free Practice, Core Focused, Strong, Integrated Core Yoga Class A creative sequence with a unique approach to the core! Jenni Rawlings, Active, 10 Minutes, Whole Body, Quick Warm Up Flows, Flow Style Practice, Quick Warm-Up Flow 72 It’s time for some hip-focused fun! Jenni Rawlings, Active, 10 Minutes, Whole Body, Quick Warm Up Flows, Flow Style Practice, Quick Warm-Up Flow 71 A whole body flow with a touch of focus on the glutes! Jenni Rawlings, Active, 45 Minutes, Whole Body, Flow Style Practice, Lower Body, Make Friends With Your Hamstrings A class designed to improve our relationship (heh heh) with our hamstrings. Active, 45 Minutes, Magnus Ringberg, Flow Style Practice, Creative Floor-Based Flow w/ Magnus Ringberg An innovative low-to-the-ground practice with a very special guest teacher! Jenni Rawlings, Active, 10 Minutes, Whole Body, Quick Warm Up Flows, Flow Style Practice, Quick Warm-Up Flow 70 A whole body flow with a touch of a shoulder focus. Jenni Rawlings, Upper Body, Gentle, 20 Minutes, Prop-Free Practice, Neck TLC Practice A gentle practice focused on freeing up the neck. Jenni Rawlings, Active, 45 Minutes, Whole Body, Upper Body, Flow Style Practice, Prop-Free Practice, Core Focused, Wild Thing-Focused Flow Experience wild thing in a whole new way in this creative class! Jenni Rawlings, Active, 10 Minutes, Whole Body, Quick Warm Up Flows, Flow Style Practice, Quick Warm-Up Flow 69 Light up your hip flexors and core in this quick flow! Active, 45 Minutes, Magnus Ringberg, Flow Style Practice, Creative Sun Salutation Flow w/ Magnus Ringberg An invigorating, creative practice with a very special guest teacher! Jenni Rawlings, Active, 45 Minutes, Whole Body, Upper Body, Flow Style Practice, Core Focused, Heart Opening Flow A heart-opening flow practice with a surprise peak pose! Jenni Rawlings, Active, 10 Minutes, Whole Body, Quick Warm Up Flows, Flow Style Practice, Quick Warm-Up Flow 68 This short flow targets the hips from multiple angles. Jenni Rawlings, Active, Whole Body, Flow Style Practice, 20 Minutes, Prop-Free Practice, Lower Body, Quick Morning Yoga Practice 3 A perfect way to connect to your body at the start of your day (or any other time! :) ) Jenni Rawlings, Active, 45 Minutes, Whole Body, Flow Style Practice, Prop-Free Practice, Lower Body, Creative Malasana (Squat Pose) Flow An active flow class themed around supporting our ability to squat (malasana). Jenni Rawlings, Active, 10 Minutes, Whole Body, Quick Warm Up Flows, Flow Style Practice, Quick Warm-Up Flow 67 Wake up your lower body in this quick flow! 30 Minutes, Jenni Rawlings, Active, 45 Minutes, Whole Body, Flow Style Practice, Prop-Free Practice, Lower Body, Parsvottanasana (Pyramid Pose) Flow A flow class themed around the hamstring-focused pyramid pose. Jenni Rawlings, Active, 10 Minutes, Whole Body, Quick Warm Up Flows, Flow Style Practice, Quick Warm-Up Flow 66 This creative spinal mobility flow will warm up and mobilize your entire spine. 30 Minutes, Jenni Rawlings, Chaturanga Tutorial Questions about how to practice and/or improve your chaturanga? It’s all covered here! Jenni Rawlings, Active, 45 Minutes, Whole Body, Upper Body, Strong, Upper Body Fiery Flow Make new connections with your shoulders in this fun, continuous flow practice! Jenni Rawlings, Active, 10 Minutes, Whole Body, Quick Warm Up Flows, Flow Style Practice, Quick Warm-Up Flow 65 This cross body-themed flow will wake up your whole body! 30 Minutes, Jenni Rawlings, Active, 45 Minutes, Whole Body, Lower Body, Tree Pose All the Ways A fun flow class with creative tree pose variations! Jenni Rawlings, Active, 10 Minutes, Whole Body, Quick Warm Up Flows, Flow Style Practice, Quick Warm-Up Flow 64 A whole body flow that includes a visit to dancer pose! 30 Minutes, Jenni Rawlings, Whole Body, Gentle, Prop-Free Practice, Lower Body, Keep It Low Mellow Flows, Keep It Low Mellow Flow 6 This class will move all of your joints, but with a mellow energetic output. Jenni Rawlings, Active, 10 Minutes, Whole Body, Quick Warm Up Flows, Flow Style Practice, Quick Warm-Up Flow 63 A rotator cuff-targeted creative flow! Jenni Rawlings, Active, 45 Minutes, Whole Body, Lower Body, Core Focused, Strong, Down Dog Step Forward Flow Class A fun flow class with extra opportunities to practice your down dog step forward. 30 Minutes, Jenni Rawlings, Down Dog Step Forward Tutorial Questions about how to improve your down dog step forward? It’s all covered here! Jenni Rawlings, Active, 10 Minutes, Whole Body, Quick Warm Up Flows, Flow Style Practice, Quick Warm-Up Flow 62 A hip-opening focused warm up flow. Jenni Rawlings, Active, 10 Minutes, Whole Body, Quick Warm Up Flows, Flow Style Practice, Quick Warm-Up Flow 61 The side body is the star of the show in this flow! 30 Minutes, Jenni Rawlings, Active, Whole Body, Lower Body, Strong, Evil Blanket Class A fun and unique class designed to bring the “foe” out of our friend the yoga blanket (or any other slide-y object!). Jenni Rawlings, 45 Minutes, Active, Whole Body, Flow Style Practice, Lower Body, Strong, Lower Body Mobility Flow A fun and creative whole body practice with a focus on the lower body. Jenni Rawlings, Active, 10 Minutes, Whole Body, Quick Warm Up Flows, Flow Style Practice, Quick Warm-Up Flow 60 A creative flow with some extra upper body love! Jenni Rawlings, Active, 10 Minutes, Whole Body, Quick Warm Up Flows, Flow Style Practice, Quick Warm-Up Flow 59 This whole body flow will warm up your whole body! Jenni Rawlings, Active, Whole Body, Flow Style Practice, 20 Minutes, Prop-Free Practice, Quick Morning Yoga Practice 2 A perfect way to connect to your body at the start of your day (or any other time! :) ) Jenni Rawlings, 45 Minutes, Active, Whole Body, Upper Body, Flow Style Practice, Prop-Free Practice, Shoulder Blade Mobility Flow An active flow practice that moves the shoulder blades all the ways! Jenni Rawlings, Active, 10 Minutes, Whole Body, Quick Warm Up Flows, Flow Style Practice, Quick Warm-Up Flow 58 Shoulders and hips are the stars of this quick flow show! Jenni Rawlings, Active, 10 Minutes, Whole Body, Quick Warm Up Flows, Flow Style Practice, Quick Warm-Up Flow 57 The theme of this flow is preparing the body for backbends! Jenni Rawlings, Active, 10 Minutes, Whole Body, Quick Warm Up Flows, Flow Style Practice, Quick Warm-Up Flow 56 This flow taps us right into the front and back of our hips in unexpected ways. Jenni Rawlings, Active, 10 Minutes, Whole Body, Quick Warm Up Flows, Flow Style Practice, Quick Warm-Up Flow 55 An energizing flow that will wake up your connection to your whole body! 30 Minutes, Jenni Rawlings, Whole Body, Gentle, Prop-Free Practice, Lower Body, Keep It Low Mellow Flows, Keep It Low Mellow Flow 5 This class will move all of your joints, but with a mellow energetic output. Jenni Rawlings, Active, 10 Minutes, Whole Body, Quick Warm Up Flows, Flow Style Practice, Quick Warm-Up Flow 54 A creative lunge flow with a focus on overhead shoulder mobility. Jenni Rawlings, Active, 10 Minutes, Whole Body, Quick Warm Up Flows, Flow Style Practice, Quick Warm-Up Flow 53 Active shoulder mobility is woven throughout this creative flow. Jenni Rawlings, Active, 45 Minutes, Whole Body, Flow Style Practice, Prop-Free Practice, Lower Body, Vigorous Vinyasa Flows, Strong, Vigorous Vinyasa Flow (Without the Vinyasa) 8 A non-stop flow with strong asana options. Jenni Rawlings, Active, 10 Minutes, Whole Body, Quick Warm Up Flows, Flow Style Practice, Quick Warm-Up Flow 52 A frontal plane flow with an extra focus on ankle mobility. Jenni Rawlings, Active, 10 Minutes, Whole Body, Quick Warm Up Flows, Flow Style Practice, Quick Warm-Up Flow 51 Ankle and adductor mobility are the theme in this quick flow! 30 Minutes, Jenni Rawlings, Gentle, Prop-Free Practice, 20 Minutes, Your Pelvis is Awesome A focused, exploratory practice designed to show you how awesome your pelvis is! Jenni Rawlings, Active, 10 Minutes, Whole Body, Quick Warm Up Flows, Flow Style Practice, Quick Warm-Up Flow 50 This warm up flow will connect you to your posterior chain in a novel way. Jenni Rawlings, Active, 10 Minutes, Whole Body, Quick Warm Up Flows, Flow Style Practice, Quick Warm-Up Flow 49 Wake up and move your hips in this short, active flow! 30 Minutes, Feel Good Flows, Jenni Rawlings, 45 Minutes, Active, Whole Body, Flow Style Practice, Prop-Free Practice, Core Focused, Feel Good Flow 7 A “mellowly active” flow class with a loose focus on the core. Jenni Rawlings, Active, 10 Minutes, Whole Body, Quick Warm Up Flows, Flow Style Practice, Quick Warm-Up Flow 48 A creative, quick flow to wake up your connection to your whole body. Jenni Rawlings, Active, 10 Minutes, Whole Body, Quick Warm Up Flows, Flow Style Practice, Quick Warm-Up Flow 47 A well-rounded flow with a focus on shoulder activation. Jenni Rawlings, Active, Gentle, Flow Style Practice, 20 Minutes, Prop-Free Practice, Lower Body, Ankle Mobility Quick Practice A focused, potent practice for targeting ankle mobility! Jenni Rawlings, Active, 10 Minutes, Whole Body, Quick Warm Up Flows, Flow Style Practice, Quick Warm-Up Flow 46 A quick flow themed around “shoulder fun”! Jenni Rawlings, Active, 10 Minutes, Whole Body, Quick Warm Up Flows, Flow Style Practice, Quick Warm-Up Flow 45 The frontal plane is the star of the show in this quick flow! Jenni Rawlings, Active, 45 Minutes, Flow Style Practice, Lower Body, Hip Stability Flow Work on your single-leg hip stability in this novel flow class! Jenni Rawlings, Yoga Strength Flows, Active, 45 Minutes, Whole Body, External Load Options, Flow Style Practice, Vigorous Vinyasa Flows, Strong, Vigorous Vinyasa Flow (Without the Vinyasa) 7 A unique flow-style practice with a true emphasis on strength-building. 30 Minutes, Jenni Rawlings, Active, Whole Body, Upper Body, Flow Style Practice, Prop-Free Practice, Flow to Pincha or Headstand A well-designed flow practice leads us right to free time to practice our inversion of choice. Jenni Rawlings, Active, 10 Minutes, Whole Body, Quick Warm Up Flows, Flow Style Practice, Quick Warm-Up Flow 44 A well-rounded flow that will wake up your 360° core! Jenni Rawlings, Active, 10 Minutes, Whole Body, Quick Warm Up Flows, Flow Style Practice, Quick Warm-Up Flow 43 A quick flow with an extra focus on shoulder mobility. 30 Minutes, Jenni Rawlings, Active, 45 Minutes, Flow Style Practice, Prop-Free Practice, Lower Body, Hip-Opening Active Flow (Updated) Target your hips from all angles in this creative, fun, and focused slow flow practice. 30 Minutes, Jenni Rawlings, Active, Whole Body, Upper Body, The Wall Is Our Friend An active practice in which the wall is woven in as a prop throughout! Jenni Rawlings, Active, 10 Minutes, Whole Body, Quick Warm Up Flows, Flow Style Practice, Quick Warm-Up Flow 42 Fire up your core and “open your heart” in this fun, quick flow. Jenni Rawlings, Active, 10 Minutes, Whole Body, Quick Warm Up Flows, Flow Style Practice, Quick Warm-Up Flow 41 Your hips, spine, and shoulders will love this quick flow! Jenni Rawlings, Active, 45 Minutes, Whole Body, Flow Style Practice, Prop-Free Practice, Lower Body, Hip Abduction Practice This practice is full of lateral hip love! Jenni Rawlings, Active, 10 Minutes, Whole Body, Quick Warm Up Flows, Flow Style Practice, Quick Warm-Up Flow 40 This well-rounded flow has a focus on the posterior chain. Jenni Rawlings, Active, 10 Minutes, Whole Body, Quick Warm Up Flows, Flow Style Practice, Quick Warm-Up Flow 39 A fun, quick, whole body flow to energize your day! Jenni Rawlings, Active, 45 Minutes, Whole Body, Flow Style Practice, Core Focused, Whole Body Backbend Flow (Newer Version) This creative practice has the potential to make your back love you! Jenni Rawlings, Active, 45 Minutes, Whole Body, Upper Body, Flow Style Practice, Lower Body, Core Focused, Strong, Core Connected Flow 2 Target your core (and whole body) in 360° with this creative flow! Jenni Rawlings, Active, 10 Minutes, Whole Body, Quick Warm Up Flows, Flow Style Practice, Quick Warm-Up Flow 38 This quick flow focuses on rotational moves that you’ll love. Jenni Rawlings, Active, 10 Minutes, Whole Body, Quick Warm Up Flows, Flow Style Practice, Quick Warm-Up Flow 37 Warm up your hips and core in this creative warm-up practice! Jenni Rawlings, Active, 45 Minutes, Whole Body, Upper Body, Flow Style Practice, Yogis Who Pull Flow Class A fun and thorough flow practice with an emphasis on shoulder pulling work! 30 Minutes, Jenni Rawlings, Active, 45 Minutes, Whole Body, Flow Style Practice, Lower Body, Warrior 2 All the Ways Change your perspective on the classic yoga asana warrior 2 in this creative practice! Jenni Rawlings, Active, 10 Minutes, Whole Body, Quick Warm Up Flows, Flow Style Practice, Quick Warm-Up Flow 36 This quick flow targets the hips and core in 360°. Jenni Rawlings, Active, 10 Minutes, Whole Body, Quick Warm Up Flows, Flow Style Practice, Quick Warm-Up Flow 35 A quick standing pose sequence followed by a unique wrist/finger/grip strength drill. Jenni Rawlings, Active, 45 Minutes, Whole Body, Upper Body, Flow Style Practice, Prop-Free Practice, Vigorous Vinyasa Flows, Core Focused, Strong, Vigorous Vinyasa Flow (Without the Vinyasa) 6 A non-stop flow with strong asana options. 30 Minutes, Jenni Rawlings, Whole Body, Gentle, Flow Style Practice, Prop-Free Practice, Keep It Low Mellow Flows, Keep It Low Mellow Flow 4 A mellow, full body mobility flow that targets the hips, shoulders, and spine! Jenni Rawlings, Active, 10 Minutes, Whole Body, Quick Warm Up Flows, Flow Style Practice, Quick Warm-Up Flow 34 Core and shoulder stability combined with spinal mobility are the stars of the show in this quick flow! Jenni Rawlings, Active, 10 Minutes, Whole Body, Quick Warm Up Flows, Flow Style Practice, Quick Warm-Up Flow 33 A fun coordination challenge + a standing flow make up this quick practice! Jenni Rawlings, Active, Whole Body, Upper Body, Flow Style Practice, Lower Body, 60 Minutes, Sun Salutation Countdown 2 A unique yoga class style with sun salutations interspersed with floor-based fun. 30 Minutes, Joe Miller, Whole Body, Upper Body, Gentle, Prop-Free Practice, Shoulder Focused Class This somatics-based practice will put you in touch with your shoulders in a whole new way! Jenni Rawlings, Active, 10 Minutes, Whole Body, Quick Warm Up Flows, Flow Style Practice, Quick Warm-Up Flow 32 This continuous standing pose flow is a perfect quick pick-me-up for any time of day. Jenni Rawlings, Active, 10 Minutes, Whole Body, Quick Warm Up Flows, Flow Style Practice, Quick Warm-Up Flow 31 Hip hinges and shoulder opening play starring roles in this 10 min flow! 30 Minutes, Jenni Rawlings, Active, 45 Minutes, Whole Body, Flow Style Practice, Lower Body, Hanumanasana (Forward Splits) Practice Move closer to hanumanasana (forward splits) in this fun and novel class! Jenni Rawlings, Active, 10 Minutes, Whole Body, Quick Warm Up Flows, Flow Style Practice, Quick Warm-Up Flow 30 A quick flow designed to wake up your connection to your whole body! Jenni Rawlings, Active, 10 Minutes, Whole Body, Quick Warm Up Flows, Flow Style Practice, Quick Warm-Up Flow 29 A creative, active flow with a shoulder mobility focus. Jenni Rawlings, Active, 45 Minutes, Whole Body, Upper Body, Flow Style Practice, Gomukhasana (Shoulder Opening) Flow Open your shoulders for gomukhasana in this whole body flow! Feel Good Flows, 30 Minutes, Jenni Rawlings, Active, Whole Body, Flow Style Practice, Prop-Free Practice, Feel Good Flow 6 A “mellowly active” whole body flow that revolves around a novel standing sequence. Jenni Rawlings, Active, 10 Minutes, Whole Body, Quick Warm Up Flows, Flow Style Practice, Prop-Free Practice, Quick Warm-Up Flow 28 There’s a little mix of everything in this flow: shoulder mobility, core stability, and single-leg balance work! Jenni Rawlings, Active, 10 Minutes, Whole Body, Quick Warm Up Flows, Flow Style Practice, Quick Warm-Up Flow 27 A mostly low-to-the-ground (but still active!) mobilizing flow. Chair Yoga, Jenni Rawlings, 10 Minutes, Gentle, Train Your Balance in 10 Minutes Refine your functional skills of balance in a quick practice you can do any time! Jenni Rawlings, Active, 45 Minutes, Whole Body, Upper Body, Flow Style Practice, Lower Body, Core Focused, Strong, Core Connected Flow Target your core (and whole body) in 360° with this creative flow! Jenni Rawlings, Active, 10 Minutes, Whole Body, Quick Warm Up Flows, Flow Style Practice, Prop-Free Practice, Quick Warm-Up Flow 26 Reclined pigeon and a novel standing flow make up this quick practice! Jenni Rawlings, Active, 10 Minutes, Whole Body, Quick Warm Up Flows, Flow Style Practice, Quick Warm-Up Flow 25 Have fun with a new spin on tree pose in this whole body mobilizing flow! 30 Minutes, Jenni Rawlings, Active, Upper Body, Pincha Play and Prep A short flow followed by playing with forearm balance (no need to go all the way upside down!), and then some potent strength work to prep for forearm balance in a long term sense. Jenni Rawlings, Active, 45 Minutes, Whole Body, Upper Body, Flow Style Practice, Prop-Free Practice, 60 Minutes, Lower Body, Core Focused, Camel Pose Flow An active, full body flow with a theme of camel pose (ustrasana). Jenni Rawlings, Active, 10 Minutes, Whole Body, Quick Warm Up Flows, Flow Style Practice, Prop-Free Practice, Quick Warm-Up Flow 24 A unique and fun lunge sequence forms the cornerstone of this warm-up flow. Jenni Rawlings, Active, 10 Minutes, Whole Body, Quick Warm Up Flows, Flow Style Practice, Prop-Free Practice, Quick Warm-Up Flow 23 A quick whole body flow with an extra focus on shoulder mobility. Laura Baehr, Sequencing for Function: Getting Up and Down Off the Floor Laura offers valuable tips for creating a yoga sequence designed to empower people in the task of getting up and down off the floor. Jenni Rawlings, Active, 45 Minutes, Upper Body, Whole Body, Flow Style Practice, Prop-Free Practice, Core Focused, Wheel Play and Prep A short flow followed by playing with wheel, and then some potent strength work to prep for wheel in a long term sense. Jenni Rawlings, Active, 10 Minutes, Whole Body, Quick Warm Up Flows, Flow Style Practice, Prop-Free Practice, Quick Warm-Up Flow 22 This quick flow focuses on hip mobility and firing up the core. Jenni Rawlings, Active, 10 Minutes, Whole Body, Quick Warm Up Flows, Flow Style Practice, Prop-Free Practice, Quick Warm-Up Flow 21 This rotational core flow will warm up the whole body! 30 Minutes, Joe Miller, Whole Body, Gentle, Prop-Free Practice, Holding the Big Toe A very skillfully-led somatics practice that will give you a whole new experience of reclined big toe pose. 30 Minutes, Jenni Rawlings, Active, Gentle, Lower Body, Pigeon is Our Friend A mellow/active class that explores pigeon in new and smart ways. Jenni Rawlings, Active, 10 Minutes, Whole Body, Quick Warm Up Flows, Flow Style Practice, Prop-Free Practice, Quick Warm-Up Flow 20 This warm-up flow has a focus on ankle mobility and hip rotational control. Jenni Rawlings, Active, 10 Minutes, Whole Body, Quick Warm Up Flows, Flow Style Practice, Prop-Free Practice, Quick Warm-Up Flow 19 This whole body flow features a novel but intentional sequence with an extra focus on the lower body. Jenni Rawlings, Active, 45 Minutes, Whole Body, Flow Style Practice, Prop-Free Practice, Lower Body, Vigorous Vinyasa Flows, Strong, Vigorous Vinyasa Flow (Without the Vinyasa) 5 A non-stop flow with strong asana options. Jenni Rawlings, Active, 10 Minutes, Whole Body, Quick Warm Up Flows, Flow Style Practice, Prop-Free Practice, Quick Warm-Up Flow 18 A creative sequence with a hip flexor mobility and upper body loading theme. Jenni Rawlings, Active, 10 Minutes, Whole Body, Quick Warm Up Flows, Flow Style Practice, Prop-Free Practice, Quick Warm-Up Flow 17 This whole body warm-up flow has an extra focus on shoulder mobility and loading. 30 Minutes, Jenni Rawlings, Active, Flow Style Practice, Prop-Free Practice, Lower Body, 360° Low Hip Flow An active, yet low-to-the-ground practice that targets the hips from all angles. Laura Baehr, Capital vs Cervical Flexion (Mini Workshop/YTT) Learn eye-opening insights to help free up and refine how you move your head and neck! Jenni Rawlings, Active, 10 Minutes, Whole Body, Quick Warm Up Flows, Flow Style Practice, Prop-Free Practice, Quick Warm-Up Flow 16 In this flow we connect to our core and then focus on dynamic shoulder movements. Jenni Rawlings, Active, 10 Minutes, Whole Body, Quick Warm Up Flows, Flow Style Practice, Prop-Free Practice, Quick Warm-Up Flow 15 This flow focuses on the shoulders, spine, and stability using the tool of a yoga strap or resistance band. 30 Minutes, Jenni Rawlings, Active, Whole Body, Upper Body, Flow Style Practice, Prop-Free Practice, Vigorous Vinyasa Flows, Strong, Vigorous Vinyasa Flow (Without the Vinyasa) 4 A non-stop flow with strong asana options. Laura Baehr, Dynamic Pelvic Floor (Mini Workshop/YTT) How can we connect to our pelvic floor in a more helpful way than the typical cues we tend to hear in yoga classes? Jenni Rawlings, Active, Whole Body, 10 Minutes, Quick Warm Up Flows, Flow Style Practice, Prop-Free Practice, Quick Warm-Up Flow 14 A perfect short flow to get everything moving. Jenni Rawlings, Active, 10 Minutes, Whole Body, Quick Warm Up Flows, Flow Style Practice, Prop-Free Practice, Quick Warm-Up Flow 13 This sequence uses down dog as a base transition to transition into hip mobility moves. 30 Minutes, Jenni Rawlings, Active, Whole Body, Flow Style Practice, Core Focused, Motivate to Rotate A smart and creative class designed with a focus on rotation of the spine, hips, and shoulders. Jenni Rawlings, Yoga Strength Flows, Whole Body, External Load Options, Flow Style Practice, 60 Minutes, Strong, Yoga Strength Flow 8 The perfect union of yoga + true strength training. Jenni Rawlings, Active, 10 Minutes, Whole Body, Quick Warm Up Flows, Flow Style Practice, Prop-Free Practice, Quick Warm Up Flow 12 Connect to and mobilize your whole body with the creative use of a chair. Jenni Rawlings, Active, 10 Minutes, Whole Body, Quick Warm Up Flows, Flow Style Practice, Prop-Free Practice, Quick Warm-Up Flow 11 A whole body mobilization in 10 short minutes! 30 Minutes, Joe Miller, Whole Body, Gentle, Prop-Free Practice, Following the Kinetic Chain to Sitting This somatics-based practice is a full-body exploration of a new movement pattern. Feel Good Flows, Jenni Rawlings, Active, Whole Body, Flow Style Practice, 60 Minutes, Feel Good Flow 5 A thorough, whole body flow with a focus on hamstring stretching. Jenni Rawlings, Active, 10 Minutes, Whole Body, Quick Warm Up Flows, Flow Style Practice, Prop-Free Practice, Quick Warm-Up Flow 10 This quick flow focuses on hip and shoulder stability. Jenni Rawlings, Active, 10 Minutes, Whole Body, Quick Warm Up Flows, Flow Style Practice, Prop-Free Practice, Quick Warm-Up Flow 9 Lower body mobility work and a standing flow sequence make up this fun flow. Laura Baehr, Acute vs. Chronic Pain (Mini Workshop/YTT) Learn insightful tips for approaching yoga students with painful issues. 30 Minutes, Jenni Rawlings, Active, Whole Body, Flow Style Practice, Prop-Free Practice, Core Focused, Natarajasana (Dancer Pose) Flow A fun flow themed around whole body movements that prepare us for natarajasana. Jenni Rawlings, Active, 10 Minutes, Whole Body, Quick Warm Up Flows, Flow Style Practice, Prop-Free Practice, Quick Warm-Up Flow 8 Focus on spinal mobility and balance in this unique flow. Jenni Rawlings, Active, 10 Minutes, Whole Body, Quick Warm Up Flows, Flow Style Practice, Prop-Free Practice, Quick Warm-Up Flow 7 This flow has an extra focus on spinal mobility. 30 Minutes, Joe Miller, Whole Body, Gentle, Prop-Free Practice, Finding Your Foundation for Wheel This somatics-based practice is as educational as it is experiential! Jenni Rawlings, 45 Minutes, Whole Body, Flow Style Practice, Vigorous Vinyasa Flows, Strong, Vigorous Vinyasa Flow (Without the Vinyasa) 3 A non-stop flow with strong asana options. Jenni Rawlings, Active, 10 Minutes, Whole Body, Quick Warm Up Flows, Flow Style Practice, Prop-Free Practice, Quick Warm-Up Flow 6 This quick flow focuses on core and hip stability. Jenni Rawlings, Active, 10 Minutes, Whole Body, Quick Warm Up Flows, Flow Style Practice, Prop-Free Practice, Quick Warm-Up Flow 5 This short flow focuses on hip hinging and hamstring flexibility. Laura Baehr, Anatomical vs. Imagetic Cueing (Mini Workshop/YTT) Learn about Laura’s unique and effective approach to cueing in her yoga and movement teaching. 30 Minutes, Jenni Rawlings, Active, 45 Minutes, Flow Style Practice, Prop-Free Practice, Core Focused, Flexion is Our Friend Focus on intentional spinal flexion in this whole body flow. 30 Minutes, Jenni Rawlings, Upper Body, Whole Body, External Load Options, Flow Style Practice, Strong, Shoulder-Pulling Yoga Flow A unique flow that uses a suspension trainer (or a yoga strap makeshift one). Jenni Rawlings, Active, Whole Body, 10 Minutes, Quick Warm Up Flows, Flow Style Practice, Prop-Free Practice, Quick Warm-Up Flow 4 A short flow with a focus on spinal and scapular mobility. Jenni Rawlings, Active, Whole Body, 10 Minutes, Quick Warm Up Flows, Flow Style Practice, Prop-Free Practice, Quick Warm-Up Flow 3 This potent flow has a special focus on targeting the core. 30 Minutes, Jenni Rawlings, Active, Flow Style Practice, Prop-Free Practice, Lower Body, Hip-Opening Active Flow Target your hips from all angles in this creative, fun, and focused slow flow practice. Laura Baehr, Regulating the Nervous System (Mini Workshop/YTT) Learn about the different divisions of the nervous system and how they interrelate. Jenni Rawlings, Active, Whole Body, 10 Minutes, Quick Warm Up Flows, Flow Style Practice, Prop-Free Practice, Quick Warm-Up Flow 2 A quick and potent flow that dives into upper back and scapular mobility. Jenni Rawlings, Active, Whole Body, 10 Minutes, Quick Warm Up Flows, Flow Style Practice, Prop-Free Practice, Quick Warm-Up Flow 1 A short flow with a focus on shoulder mobility and core activation. 30 Minutes, Jenni Rawlings, Gentle, Lower Body, 90/90 Hip Mobility for All Bodies All bodies should be able to work with the 90/90 hip stretch! 30 Minutes, Jenni Rawlings, Active, 45 Minutes, Whole Body, Flow Style Practice, Whole Body Backbend Flow (Older Version) This creative practice has the potential to make your back love you! 30 Minutes, Jenni Rawlings, Active, Whole Body, Flow Style Practice, Prop-Free Practice, Full Body Mobility Flow A well-rounded practice featuring a creative selection of movements to target the whole body. 30 Minutes, Jenni Rawlings, Active, 45 Minutes, Flow Style Practice, Core Focused, Strong, Navasana is My Nemesis An innovative class that Jenni sequenced around her nemesis pose, navasana. Jenni Rawlings, Whole Body, Flow Style Practice, Prop-Free Practice, 60 Minutes, Vigorous Vinyasa Flows, Strong, Vigorous Vinyasa Flow (Without the Vinyasa) 2 A non-stop challenging flow with strong asana options. Chair Yoga, Laura Baehr, 20 Minutes, Balance Class (Chair Yoga) The shortest but most educational workshop on balance in a yoga context! Jenni Rawlings, Active, 20 Minutes, Flow Style Practice, Prop-Free Practice, Lower Body, Mirror Flow: Active Pigeon A quick practice themed around active pigeon pose. Jenni Rawlings, Gentle, 20 Minutes, Flow Style Practice, Prop-Free Practice, Lower Body, Mirror Flow: Passive Pigeon A quick practice themed around passive pigeon pose. Jenni Rawlings, Yoga Strength Flows, Whole Body, External Load Options, Flow Style Practice, 60 Minutes, Strong, Yoga Strength Flow 7 The perfect union of yoga + strength training. 30 Minutes, Jenni Rawlings, Whole Body, Gentle, Flow Style Practice, Keep It Low Mellow Flows, Keep It Low Mellow Flow 3 A flow for moving all of your joints through their full ranges, but without exerting much effort. Jenni Rawlings, 45 Minutes, Whole Body, Flow Style Practice, Prop-Free Practice, Vigorous Vinyasa Flows, Core Focused, Strong, Vigorous Vinyasa Flow (Without the Vinyasa) A non-stop, fun flow with strong asana options. Jenni Rawlings, Active, 45 Minutes, Upper Body, Whole Body, Flow Style Practice, Prop-Free Practice, Shoulder Fun Yoga Flow Shoulder rotation is the focus in this creative and innovative flow. 30 Minutes, Jenni Rawlings, Whole Body, Gentle, Flow Style Practice, Prop-Free Practice, Keep It Low Mellow Flows, Keep It Low Mellow Flow 2 A perfect class when you’d like to move your body in all the ways, but without exerting much effort. Jenni Rawlings, Active, 45 Minutes, Whole Body, Flow Style Practice, Prop-Free Practice, Circular Pigeon Flow This active class utilizes a fun, circular-themed sequence that starts and ends in pigeon pose. 30 Minutes, Jenni Rawlings, Active, 20 Minutes, Lower Body, Pistol Squat Prep Practice Work toward your goal of a pistol squat with this smart sequence. Chair Yoga, Laura Baehr, 20 Minutes, 3D Breathing (Chair Yoga) Explore your breath in an abundance of novel ways in this expertly-cued chair yoga practice. Jenni Rawlings, Yoga Strength Flows, Whole Body, External Load Options, Flow Style Practice, 60 Minutes, Strong, Yoga Strength Flow 6 The perfect union of yoga + true strength training. Chair Yoga, Laura Baehr, 20 Minutes, Energetic Freedom (Chair Yoga) Move your spine in all the ways in this accessible chair yoga class. Feel Good Flows, Jenni Rawlings, Active, 45 Minutes, Whole Body, Flow Style Practice, Prop-Free Practice, Feel Good Flow 4 A creative flow practice with an extra focus on targeting the hips. Chair Yoga, Laura Baehr, 20 Minutes, Prop-Free Practice, Anti-Office Chair Practice A whole body chair yoga practice that will mobilize your spine and shoulders. 30 Minutes, Jenni Rawlings, Gentle, 20 Minutes, Prop-Free Practice, Lower Body, Find Your Foundation: Ankles & Feet Improve your connection to your feet, ankles, and lower legs in this innovative, targeted yoga practice! Jenni Rawlings, Active, 45 Minutes, Whole Body, Flow Style Practice, Active Bolster Practice This class weaves together the use of a yoga bolster in active and creative ways all throughout! 30 Minutes, Jenni Rawlings, Active, Prop-Free Practice, Lower Body, Hamstring Strength & Length A flow class based on the “strengthen to lengthen” motto for the hamstrings. Jenni Rawlings, Yoga Strength Flows, Whole Body, External Load Options, Flow Style Practice, 60 Minutes, Strong, Yoga Strength Flow 5 The perfect union of yoga + true strength training. 30 Minutes, Jenni Rawlings, Gentle, 20 Minutes, Prop-Free Practice, Lower Body, Gentle Hip-Focused Practice Thoroughly target all the way around the hip joint using gentle movement and passive stretching. Jenni Rawlings, Active, Upper Body, 20 Minutes, Pincha Prep Practice (Forearm Balance) An excellent practice to prepare you for forearm balance (pincha mayurasana). Jenni Rawlings, Active, Whole Body, Flow Style Practice, Prop-Free Practice, 60 Minutes, 360 Degree Energizing Flow An innovative flow practice that targets our whole body, all the way around. Jenni Rawlings, Yoga Strength Flows, Whole Body, External Load Options, Flow Style Practice, 60 Minutes, Strong, Yoga Strength Flow 4 The perfect union of yoga + true strength training. 30 Minutes, Jenni Rawlings, Whole Body, Gentle, Flow Style Practice, Prop-Free Practice, Keep It Low Mellow Flows, Keep It Low Mellow Flow A flow designed to move your whole body, but without exerting much effort. Jenni Rawlings, Yoga Strength Flows, Whole Body, External Load Options, Flow Style Practice, 60 Minutes, Strong, Yoga Strength Flow 3 The perfect union of yoga + true strength training. Jenni Rawlings, Active, 45 Minutes, Upper Body, Flow Style Practice, Core Focused, Wheel Prep Flow An innovative, wall-based class themed around working up to wheel pose. Jenni Rawlings, Active, 20 Minutes, Lower Body, Improve Your Side Lunge Build mobility and strength in the side lunge movement pattern. Jenni Rawlings, Active, Whole Body, Flow Style Practice, Prop-Free Practice, 60 Minutes, Sun Salutation Countdown A fresh take on sun salutations! Jenni Rawlings, Upper Body, Gentle, 20 Minutes, Strengthen Your Neck Directly target this area of the body that we so often neglect! Jenni Rawlings, Active, Whole Body, Flow Style Practice, Prop-Free Practice, 60 Minutes, Mix-It-Up-Flow 3 A whole body, active practice with an extra element of variability woven in. Jenni Rawlings, 45 Minutes, Active, Whole Body, Flow Style Practice, Prop-Free Practice, Tight Space Yoga Flow A whole body flow in which no part of your body will stray off the space of your yoga mat. Jenni Rawlings, 45 Minutes, Active, Whole Body, Flow Style Practice, Prop-Free Practice, Standing-Only Yoga Practice An entire practice in which the hands (and knees) never touch the floor. Perfect for practicing anywhere you’d rather not touch the floor! 30 Minutes, Jenni Rawlings, Active, Upper Body, Bringing Shoulder Stand Back Deconstructing shoulder stand in the hopes of making this pose popular again! 30 Minutes, Jenni Rawlings, Active, Upper Body, Flow Style Practice, Prop-Free Practice, Handstand Play & Prep This flow features innovative sequencing in which our peak pose is earlier, followed by strength work for long-term adaptations. 30 Minutes, Jenni Rawlings, Active, 45 Minutes, Whole Body, Flow Style Practice, Balance Flow Challenge your balance in new and novel ways right in the context of a creative yoga practice. 30 Minutes, Jenni Rawlings, Active, 45 Minutes, Whole Body, Flow Style Practice, Prop-Free Practice, Circular Whole Body Practice A circular-themed creative flow. 30 Minutes, Jenni Rawlings, Active, Flow Style Practice, Lower Body, Quick Lower Body Flow A creative flow practice targeting the lower body. 30 Minutes, Jenni Rawlings, 45 Minutes, Active, Whole Body, Flow Style Practice, Prop-Free Practice, Low Whole Body Flow A fun and unique low-to-the-ground practice. Jenni Rawlings, Yoga Strength Flows, Whole Body, External Load Options, Flow Style Practice, 60 Minutes, Strong, Yoga Strength Flow 2 The perfect union of yoga + true strength training. Jenni Rawlings, Active, Whole Body, Flow Style Practice, 20 Minutes, Prop-Free Practice, Quick Morning Yoga Practice A short practice to light up your morning! (Or evening or any other time of day that you take this class. :) ) 30 Minutes, Jenni Rawlings, Yoga Strength Flows, 45 Minutes, Whole Body, External Load Options, Flow Style Practice, Strong, Yoga Strength Flow 1 The perfect union of yoga + true strength training. Next
Welcome JRY Members!
online yoga Class Library
Yoga Class Club March 2025
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Full Yoga Class Library
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Quick Warm-Up Flow 79
A quick flow peppered with creative hip mobility moves!
High Low Sun Salutation Flow
A creative full-body flow that moves from standing to seated and back again, repeatedly and intentionally.
Quick Warm-Up Flow 78
A quick practice with a focus on core connection and upper mobility.
Creative Standing-Based Flow w/ Magnus Ringberg
An innovative standing flow with a very special guest teacher!
Quick Warm-Up Flow 77
Shoulder and spine mobility are the stars of this quick flow!
Half Moon-Themed Flow
Celebrate half moon pose in this creative flow class!
Quick Warm-Up Flow 76
A creative flow with an extra emphasis on the ankles.
Quick Warm-Up Flow 75
A hip and shoulder stability-themed flow.
Vigorous Vinyasa Flow (Without the Vinyasa) 10
A creative flow designed to turn up the fire a bit!
Quick Warm-Up Flow 74
A very fun flow that utilizes our friend the yoga strap (or similar object)!
Move Your Spine Flow
Connect to your spine in a whole new way in this dynamic practice!
Quick Warm-Up Flow 73
Let’s activate our shoulders from all directions!
Creative Kneeling-Based Flow w/ Magnus Ringberg
An innovative low-to-the-ground practice with a very special guest teacher!
Gentle & Restorative Hip-Opening Practice
Slow down and connect to your hips in this gentle, thoughtful class.
Integrated Core Yoga Class
A creative sequence with a unique approach to the core!
Quick Warm-Up Flow 72
It’s time for some hip-focused fun!
Quick Warm-Up Flow 71
A whole body flow with a touch of focus on the glutes!
Make Friends With Your Hamstrings
A class designed to improve our relationship (heh heh) with our hamstrings.
Creative Floor-Based Flow w/ Magnus Ringberg
An innovative low-to-the-ground practice with a very special guest teacher!
Quick Warm-Up Flow 70
A whole body flow with a touch of a shoulder focus.
Neck TLC Practice
A gentle practice focused on freeing up the neck.
Wild Thing-Focused Flow
Experience wild thing in a whole new way in this creative class!
Quick Warm-Up Flow 69
Light up your hip flexors and core in this quick flow!
Creative Sun Salutation Flow w/ Magnus Ringberg
An invigorating, creative practice with a very special guest teacher!
Heart Opening Flow
A heart-opening flow practice with a surprise peak pose!
Quick Warm-Up Flow 68
This short flow targets the hips from multiple angles.
Quick Morning Yoga Practice 3
A perfect way to connect to your body at the start of your day (or any other time! :) )
Creative Malasana (Squat Pose) Flow
An active flow class themed around supporting our ability to squat (malasana).
Quick Warm-Up Flow 67
Wake up your lower body in this quick flow!
Parsvottanasana (Pyramid Pose) Flow
A flow class themed around the hamstring-focused pyramid pose.
Quick Warm-Up Flow 66
This creative spinal mobility flow will warm up and mobilize your entire spine.
Chaturanga Tutorial
Questions about how to practice and/or improve your chaturanga? It’s all covered here!
Upper Body Fiery Flow
Make new connections with your shoulders in this fun, continuous flow practice!
Quick Warm-Up Flow 65
This cross body-themed flow will wake up your whole body!
Tree Pose All the Ways
A fun flow class with creative tree pose variations!
Quick Warm-Up Flow 64
A whole body flow that includes a visit to dancer pose!
Keep It Low Mellow Flow 6
This class will move all of your joints, but with a mellow energetic output.
Quick Warm-Up Flow 63
A rotator cuff-targeted creative flow!
Down Dog Step Forward Flow Class
A fun flow class with extra opportunities to practice your down dog step forward.
Down Dog Step Forward Tutorial
Questions about how to improve your down dog step forward? It’s all covered here!
Quick Warm-Up Flow 62
A hip-opening focused warm up flow.
Quick Warm-Up Flow 61
The side body is the star of the show in this flow!
Evil Blanket Class
A fun and unique class designed to bring the “foe” out of our friend the yoga blanket (or any other slide-y object!).
Lower Body Mobility Flow
A fun and creative whole body practice with a focus on the lower body.
Quick Warm-Up Flow 60
A creative flow with some extra upper body love!
Quick Warm-Up Flow 59
This whole body flow will warm up your whole body!
Quick Morning Yoga Practice 2
A perfect way to connect to your body at the start of your day (or any other time! :) )
Shoulder Blade Mobility Flow
An active flow practice that moves the shoulder blades all the ways!
Quick Warm-Up Flow 58
Shoulders and hips are the stars of this quick flow show!
Quick Warm-Up Flow 57
The theme of this flow is preparing the body for backbends!
Quick Warm-Up Flow 56
This flow taps us right into the front and back of our hips in unexpected ways.
Quick Warm-Up Flow 55
An energizing flow that will wake up your connection to your whole body!
Keep It Low Mellow Flow 5
This class will move all of your joints, but with a mellow energetic output.
Quick Warm-Up Flow 54
A creative lunge flow with a focus on overhead shoulder mobility.
Quick Warm-Up Flow 53
Active shoulder mobility is woven throughout this creative flow.
Vigorous Vinyasa Flow (Without the Vinyasa) 8
A non-stop flow with strong asana options.
Quick Warm-Up Flow 52
A frontal plane flow with an extra focus on ankle mobility.
Quick Warm-Up Flow 51
Ankle and adductor mobility are the theme in this quick flow!
Your Pelvis is Awesome
A focused, exploratory practice designed to show you how awesome your pelvis is!
Quick Warm-Up Flow 50
This warm up flow will connect you to your posterior chain in a novel way.
Quick Warm-Up Flow 49
Wake up and move your hips in this short, active flow!
Feel Good Flow 7
A “mellowly active” flow class with a loose focus on the core.
Quick Warm-Up Flow 48
A creative, quick flow to wake up your connection to your whole body.
Quick Warm-Up Flow 47
A well-rounded flow with a focus on shoulder activation.
Ankle Mobility Quick Practice
A focused, potent practice for targeting ankle mobility!
Quick Warm-Up Flow 46
A quick flow themed around “shoulder fun”!
Quick Warm-Up Flow 45
The frontal plane is the star of the show in this quick flow!
Hip Stability Flow
Work on your single-leg hip stability in this novel flow class!
Vigorous Vinyasa Flow (Without the Vinyasa) 7
A unique flow-style practice with a true emphasis on strength-building.
Flow to Pincha or Headstand
A well-designed flow practice leads us right to free time to practice our inversion of choice.
Quick Warm-Up Flow 44
A well-rounded flow that will wake up your 360° core!
Quick Warm-Up Flow 43
A quick flow with an extra focus on shoulder mobility.
Hip-Opening Active Flow (Updated)
Target your hips from all angles in this creative, fun, and focused slow flow practice.
The Wall Is Our Friend
An active practice in which the wall is woven in as a prop throughout!
Quick Warm-Up Flow 42
Fire up your core and “open your heart” in this fun, quick flow.
Quick Warm-Up Flow 41
Your hips, spine, and shoulders will love this quick flow!
Hip Abduction Practice
This practice is full of lateral hip love!
Quick Warm-Up Flow 40
This well-rounded flow has a focus on the posterior chain.
Quick Warm-Up Flow 39
A fun, quick, whole body flow to energize your day!
Whole Body Backbend Flow (Newer Version)
This creative practice has the potential to make your back love you!
Core Connected Flow 2
Target your core (and whole body) in 360° with this creative flow!
Quick Warm-Up Flow 38
This quick flow focuses on rotational moves that you’ll love.
Quick Warm-Up Flow 37
Warm up your hips and core in this creative warm-up practice!
Yogis Who Pull Flow Class
A fun and thorough flow practice with an emphasis on shoulder pulling work!
Warrior 2 All the Ways
Change your perspective on the classic yoga asana warrior 2 in this creative practice!
Quick Warm-Up Flow 36
This quick flow targets the hips and core in 360°.
Quick Warm-Up Flow 35
A quick standing pose sequence followed by a unique wrist/finger/grip strength drill.
Vigorous Vinyasa Flow (Without the Vinyasa) 6
A non-stop flow with strong asana options.
Keep It Low Mellow Flow 4
A mellow, full body mobility flow that targets the hips, shoulders, and spine!
Quick Warm-Up Flow 34
Core and shoulder stability combined with spinal mobility are the stars of the show in this quick flow!
Quick Warm-Up Flow 33
A fun coordination challenge + a standing flow make up this quick practice!
Sun Salutation Countdown 2
A unique yoga class style with sun salutations interspersed with floor-based fun.
Shoulder Focused Class
This somatics-based practice will put you in touch with your shoulders in a whole new way!
Quick Warm-Up Flow 32
This continuous standing pose flow is a perfect quick pick-me-up for any time of day.
Quick Warm-Up Flow 31
Hip hinges and shoulder opening play starring roles in this 10 min flow!
Hanumanasana (Forward Splits) Practice
Move closer to hanumanasana (forward splits) in this fun and novel class!
Quick Warm-Up Flow 30
A quick flow designed to wake up your connection to your whole body!
Quick Warm-Up Flow 29
A creative, active flow with a shoulder mobility focus.
Gomukhasana (Shoulder Opening) Flow
Open your shoulders for gomukhasana in this whole body flow!
Feel Good Flow 6
A “mellowly active” whole body flow that revolves around a novel standing sequence.
Quick Warm-Up Flow 28
There’s a little mix of everything in this flow: shoulder mobility, core stability, and single-leg balance work!
Quick Warm-Up Flow 27
A mostly low-to-the-ground (but still active!) mobilizing flow.
Train Your Balance in 10 Minutes
Refine your functional skills of balance in a quick practice you can do any time!
Core Connected Flow
Target your core (and whole body) in 360° with this creative flow!
Quick Warm-Up Flow 26
Reclined pigeon and a novel standing flow make up this quick practice!
Quick Warm-Up Flow 25
Have fun with a new spin on tree pose in this whole body mobilizing flow!
Pincha Play and Prep
A short flow followed by playing with forearm balance (no need to go all the way upside down!), and then some potent strength work to prep for forearm balance in a long term sense.
Camel Pose Flow
An active, full body flow with a theme of camel pose (ustrasana).
Quick Warm-Up Flow 24
A unique and fun lunge sequence forms the cornerstone of this warm-up flow.
Quick Warm-Up Flow 23
A quick whole body flow with an extra focus on shoulder mobility.
Sequencing for Function: Getting Up and Down Off the Floor
Laura offers valuable tips for creating a yoga sequence designed to empower people in the task of getting up and down off the floor.
Wheel Play and Prep
A short flow followed by playing with wheel, and then some potent strength work to prep for wheel in a long term sense.
Quick Warm-Up Flow 22
This quick flow focuses on hip mobility and firing up the core.
Quick Warm-Up Flow 21
This rotational core flow will warm up the whole body!
Holding the Big Toe
A very skillfully-led somatics practice that will give you a whole new experience of reclined big toe pose.
Pigeon is Our Friend
A mellow/active class that explores pigeon in new and smart ways.
Quick Warm-Up Flow 20
This warm-up flow has a focus on ankle mobility and hip rotational control.
Quick Warm-Up Flow 19
This whole body flow features a novel but intentional sequence with an extra focus on the lower body.
Vigorous Vinyasa Flow (Without the Vinyasa) 5
A non-stop flow with strong asana options.
Quick Warm-Up Flow 18
A creative sequence with a hip flexor mobility and upper body loading theme.
Quick Warm-Up Flow 17
This whole body warm-up flow has an extra focus on shoulder mobility and loading.
360° Low Hip Flow
An active, yet low-to-the-ground practice that targets the hips from all angles.
Capital vs Cervical Flexion (Mini Workshop/YTT)
Learn eye-opening insights to help free up and refine how you move your head and neck!
Quick Warm-Up Flow 16
In this flow we connect to our core and then focus on dynamic shoulder movements.
Quick Warm-Up Flow 15
This flow focuses on the shoulders, spine, and stability using the tool of a yoga strap or resistance band.
Vigorous Vinyasa Flow (Without the Vinyasa) 4
A non-stop flow with strong asana options.
Dynamic Pelvic Floor (Mini Workshop/YTT)
How can we connect to our pelvic floor in a more helpful way than the typical cues we tend to hear in yoga classes?
Quick Warm-Up Flow 14
A perfect short flow to get everything moving.
Quick Warm-Up Flow 13
This sequence uses down dog as a base transition to transition into hip mobility moves.
Motivate to Rotate
A smart and creative class designed with a focus on rotation of the spine, hips, and shoulders.
Yoga Strength Flow 8
The perfect union of yoga + true strength training.
Quick Warm Up Flow 12
Connect to and mobilize your whole body with the creative use of a chair.
Quick Warm-Up Flow 11
A whole body mobilization in 10 short minutes!
Following the Kinetic Chain to Sitting
This somatics-based practice is a full-body exploration of a new movement pattern.
Feel Good Flow 5
A thorough, whole body flow with a focus on hamstring stretching.
Quick Warm-Up Flow 10
This quick flow focuses on hip and shoulder stability.
Quick Warm-Up Flow 9
Lower body mobility work and a standing flow sequence make up this fun flow.
Acute vs. Chronic Pain (Mini Workshop/YTT)
Learn insightful tips for approaching yoga students with painful issues.
Natarajasana (Dancer Pose) Flow
A fun flow themed around whole body movements that prepare us for natarajasana.
Quick Warm-Up Flow 8
Focus on spinal mobility and balance in this unique flow.
Quick Warm-Up Flow 7
This flow has an extra focus on spinal mobility.
Finding Your Foundation for Wheel
This somatics-based practice is as educational as it is experiential!
Vigorous Vinyasa Flow (Without the Vinyasa) 3
A non-stop flow with strong asana options.
Quick Warm-Up Flow 6
This quick flow focuses on core and hip stability.
Quick Warm-Up Flow 5
This short flow focuses on hip hinging and hamstring flexibility.
Anatomical vs. Imagetic Cueing (Mini Workshop/YTT)
Learn about Laura’s unique and effective approach to cueing in her yoga and movement teaching.
Flexion is Our Friend
Focus on intentional spinal flexion in this whole body flow.
Shoulder-Pulling Yoga Flow
A unique flow that uses a suspension trainer (or a yoga strap makeshift one).
Quick Warm-Up Flow 4
A short flow with a focus on spinal and scapular mobility.
Quick Warm-Up Flow 3
This potent flow has a special focus on targeting the core.
Hip-Opening Active Flow
Target your hips from all angles in this creative, fun, and focused slow flow practice.
Regulating the Nervous System (Mini Workshop/YTT)
Learn about the different divisions of the nervous system and how they interrelate.
Quick Warm-Up Flow 2
A quick and potent flow that dives into upper back and scapular mobility.
Quick Warm-Up Flow 1
A short flow with a focus on shoulder mobility and core activation.
90/90 Hip Mobility for All Bodies
All bodies should be able to work with the 90/90 hip stretch!
Whole Body Backbend Flow (Older Version)
This creative practice has the potential to make your back love you!
Full Body Mobility Flow
A well-rounded practice featuring a creative selection of movements to target the whole body.
Navasana is My Nemesis
An innovative class that Jenni sequenced around her nemesis pose, navasana.
Vigorous Vinyasa Flow (Without the Vinyasa) 2
A non-stop challenging flow with strong asana options.
Balance Class (Chair Yoga)
The shortest but most educational workshop on balance in a yoga context!
Mirror Flow: Active Pigeon
A quick practice themed around active pigeon pose.
Mirror Flow: Passive Pigeon
A quick practice themed around passive pigeon pose.
Yoga Strength Flow 7
The perfect union of yoga + strength training.
Keep It Low Mellow Flow 3
A flow for moving all of your joints through their full ranges, but without exerting much effort.
Vigorous Vinyasa Flow (Without the Vinyasa)
A non-stop, fun flow with strong asana options.
Shoulder Fun Yoga Flow
Shoulder rotation is the focus in this creative and innovative flow.
Keep It Low Mellow Flow 2
A perfect class when you’d like to move your body in all the ways, but without exerting much effort.
Circular Pigeon Flow
This active class utilizes a fun, circular-themed sequence that starts and ends in pigeon pose.
Pistol Squat Prep Practice
Work toward your goal of a pistol squat with this smart sequence.
3D Breathing (Chair Yoga)
Explore your breath in an abundance of novel ways in this expertly-cued chair yoga practice.
Yoga Strength Flow 6
The perfect union of yoga + true strength training.
Energetic Freedom (Chair Yoga)
Move your spine in all the ways in this accessible chair yoga class.
Feel Good Flow 4
A creative flow practice with an extra focus on targeting the hips.
Anti-Office Chair Practice
A whole body chair yoga practice that will mobilize your spine and shoulders.
Find Your Foundation: Ankles & Feet
Improve your connection to your feet, ankles, and lower legs in this innovative, targeted yoga practice!
Active Bolster Practice
This class weaves together the use of a yoga bolster in active and creative ways all throughout!
Hamstring Strength & Length
A flow class based on the “strengthen to lengthen” motto for the hamstrings.
Yoga Strength Flow 5
The perfect union of yoga + true strength training.
Gentle Hip-Focused Practice
Thoroughly target all the way around the hip joint using gentle movement and passive stretching.
Pincha Prep Practice (Forearm Balance)
An excellent practice to prepare you for forearm balance (pincha mayurasana).
360 Degree Energizing Flow
An innovative flow practice that targets our whole body, all the way around.
Yoga Strength Flow 4
The perfect union of yoga + true strength training.
Keep It Low Mellow Flow
A flow designed to move your whole body, but without exerting much effort.
Yoga Strength Flow 3
The perfect union of yoga + true strength training.
Wheel Prep Flow
An innovative, wall-based class themed around working up to wheel pose.
Improve Your Side Lunge
Build mobility and strength in the side lunge movement pattern.
Sun Salutation Countdown
A fresh take on sun salutations!
Strengthen Your Neck
Directly target this area of the body that we so often neglect!
Mix-It-Up-Flow 3
A whole body, active practice with an extra element of variability woven in.
Tight Space Yoga Flow
A whole body flow in which no part of your body will stray off the space of your yoga mat.
Standing-Only Yoga Practice
An entire practice in which the hands (and knees) never touch the floor. Perfect for practicing anywhere you’d rather not touch the floor!
Bringing Shoulder Stand Back
Deconstructing shoulder stand in the hopes of making this pose popular again!
Handstand Play & Prep
This flow features innovative sequencing in which our peak pose is earlier, followed by strength work for long-term adaptations.
Balance Flow
Challenge your balance in new and novel ways right in the context of a creative yoga practice.
Circular Whole Body Practice
A circular-themed creative flow.
Quick Lower Body Flow
A creative flow practice targeting the lower body.
Low Whole Body Flow
A fun and unique low-to-the-ground practice.
Yoga Strength Flow 2
The perfect union of yoga + true strength training.
Quick Morning Yoga Practice
A short practice to light up your morning! (Or evening or any other time of day that you take this class. :) )
Yoga Strength Flow 1
The perfect union of yoga + true strength training.