online yoga
class library preview
As a member of Jenni's website, you'll have unlimited access to all 300+ classes in her online class library, plus the private discussion forum for all website members.
*You can sign up for the online class library on its own, or you can access the class library via the Continuing Education, the Strength for Yoga, or the Full Access memberships. Details on membership options are available here.
Jenni’s Favorite Classes
Circular Pigeon Flow (45 min)
This active class utilizes a fun, circular-themed sequence that starts and ends in pigeon pose. We begin with some targeted movement prep and activation, move into this active and creative pigeon flow, and end with a short cool down.
The whole body is involved and moving in this practice, but there’s an extra emphasis on hip and lower body work, as this circular flow revolves around the classic “hip-opener” of pigeon pose!
Shoulder Fun Yoga Flow (40 min)
This flow practice creatively and thoroughly targets the shoulders through a full rotational range of motion, with thoracic rotation and hip rotation playing key roles as well. This active practice is meant to move your whole body and to leave you feeling energized, mobile, and extra present in your body!
Navasana Is My Nemesis (38 min)
Navasana is Jenni’s nemesis pose :), and so she decided to create a class designed to build strength for this tough asana in a fun, creative, and innovative way. This is a flow practice with a focus on abdominal and hip flexor work – two areas that many people would significantly benefit from targeting!
Popular Classes
Whole Body Backbend Flow (36 min)
This creative, active flow prepares the whole body to be involved in the backbends we do toward the end of class. This practice includes a special focus on shoulder mobility work and some contralateral posterior chain activation. And there’s even a chance to hop up into an inversion at one point if we feel so inclined! Enjoy this smart flow designed to prepare your body to backbend in a supportive, integrated way.
Flexion is Our Friend (38 min)
This slow flow class will move our whole body, but it has a special emphasis on intentional and effective spinal flexion movements. This can be particularly beneficial because in the yoga world, there’s often an emphasis on practicing an abundance of backbends/spinal extension without a comparable focus on practicing spinal flexion. Our spine can move in a multitude of ways, and when we move in as many of those ways as we can on a regular basis, this can provide reassuring inputs into our nervous system which can help keep this area happy.
Natarajasana (Dancer Pose) Flow (34 min)
This creative practice targets the whole body and is revolved around the theme of preparing for natarajasana (dancer pose). Natarajasana is a single-leg balance and backbend combined, and it’s a favorite asana of many yogis! In this practice, we move through a flow that will challenge our balance and mobilize our hips, spine, and shoulders so that all of these ingredients can be woven into our exploration of how natarajasana feels in our body today.
Vigorous Vinyasa Flow (Without the Vinyasa) Series
Vigorous Vinyasa Flow (Without the Vinyasa) 1 (50 min)
This is a perfect practice when you’re in the mood to be challenged with a non-stop flow with strong asana options! It’s a creative, well-designed sequence that will challenge both upper and lower body strength, balance, and stamina. This class is designed to leave you feeling energized and newly-connected to your body! There are “vinyasa-like” movements included in this class, but no traditional vinyasas.
Vigorous Vinyasa Flow (Without the Vinyasa) 2 (60 min)
This is a perfect practice when you’re in the mood to be challenged with a non-stop flow with strong asana options! It’s a creative, well-designed sequence that will take you on a yoga pose journey while also challenging your core, upper body, and lower body (with a little extra emphasis on building some squat/malasana mobility.) This class is designed to leave you feeling energized and newly-connected to your body! There are “vinyasa-like” movements included in this class, but no traditional vinyasas.
Vigorous Vinyasa Flow (Without the Vinyasa) 3 (44 min)
This is a perfect practice when you’re in the mood to be challenged with a non-stop flow with strong asana options! It’s a fun and thorough sequence that takes some great unexpected twists and turns and will challenge full body strength, balance, and stamina. This class is designed to leave you feeling energized and newly-connected to your body! There are “vinyasa-like” movements included in this class, but no traditional vinyasas.
Feel Good Flow Series
Feel Good Flow 3 (30 min)
This feel good flow practice progressively builds on one creative & dynamic sequence designed to challenge the whole body in a well-rounded way. The use of one yoga block is cleverly woven into nearly every pose in this class to bring in additional awareness & muscular activation. This is a perfect, compact whole body practice that will mobilize and energize your body with a fun, yet challenging & focused flow!
Feel Good Flow 4 (40 min)
This active class features a well-rounded, creative flow that encourages our whole body to move in a variety of ways - with an extra emphasis on challenging the area of the hips. This practice consists mostly of standing flow sequences linked together with a unique and effective cool-down sequence at the end.
No props are required for this active Feel Good Flow practice!
Feel Good Flow 6 (27 min)
This whole-body targeted yoga practice consists of a creative, active flow that visits and revisits some classic hamstring stretching at a few key points throughout the class. Your hips and shoulders in particular might love the attention they get in this practice!
This class utilizes 1 yoga strap or resistance band or similar household item (like a scarf, belt, etc.)
*You can sign up for the online class library on its own, or you can access the class library via the Continuing Education, the Strength for Yoga, or the Full Access memberships. Details on membership options are available here.