continuing education
courses for yoga teachers
As a member of Jenni's website, you'll have unlimited access to all of her online yoga anatomy and movement science courses, plus her full online yoga class library. All yoga continuing education courses qualify as CE Hours through Yoga Alliance.
courses available
*All courses below are included in the Continuing Education Courses Membership, and the Full Access Membership. Details on membership options are available here.
Stretching Science 101 (2.0)
An all new and updated presentation, featuring new research and new topics! COMING SOON!
Yoga Asana Analysis Video Library
Length: 11 hours
This is a library of videos that biomechanically break down all of yoga’s most foundational poses. Use this resource as a reference to study and learn from any time, or join Jenni for the guided, 8-week version of this course twice a year (complimentary for CE website members). Learn to see yoga poses with clearer “movement eyes”! -
The Science of Strength 2.0
Length: 4 Hours
All new and updated course on strength, reflecting current research insights!
A full intro to the science and theory behind strength, along with practical application. How do strength adaptations take place in the body? What happens physiologically? What should we do in practice to stimulate strength adaptations? How does all of this help us understand our yoga practice better? And so much more! Great info for yoga and movement body geeks!
When to Be Anatomically Specific in Yoga
Length: 4 Hours
This workshop examines when it’s helpful to be anatomically-specific when teaching yoga & movement, and when we’re better off choosing a more general, non-specific approach. A research-based approach is taken with all scientific references included. We take an in-depth look at the top 7 “magic muscles”, we examine what current research suggests about how to load tendons for strength adaptations, we examine the science of fascia and self-myofascial release, and much more.
Welcome to Your Brain: New Nervous System Essentials for Yogis
Length: 3.75 Hours
This workshop brings together insights from cognitive neuroscience, psychology, sociology, pain science, and movement science to present an up-to-date perspective on how the brain functions. This is absolutely essential information for yogis (and anyone with a body), and it just might change your experience of your body in the world.
Stretching Science 101
Length: 2 Hours
What is stretching? How does it work? What effects does stretching have on the human body? What about stretching for specific outcomes, such as performance, injury prevention, recovery, and more? In this course, Jenni presents a foundational understanding of the current science of stretching, citing an abundance of research studies. She uses her signature style of explaining complex information in digestible terms to make learning more accessible.
Alignment, Posture, & Yoga: A Modern Approach
Length: 2.5 Hours
This course is intended to help yogis sharpen their critical thinking skills and improve their ability to examine topics through a more scientific lens. We focus on the specific subject of alignment and posture here because it’s very relevant for yogis, but the foundational reasoning concepts introduced are important skills that can prove to be valuable in many other aspects of our life as well.
Bone Strength, Osteoporosis, & Yoga: An Evidence-Based Approach
Length: 1.5 Hours
Although the theme of this course is osteoporosis, the information presented here is relevant for anyone with a body! Using the tools of biomechanics and tissue adaption science, we look at what loading parameters are needed to stimulate bones to grow stronger, and where a yoga asana practice fits into that picture. We also look at the condition of osteoporosis specifically, what it means, how it might impact you or your yoga students, and evidence-based recommendations for preventing and treating it.
Applied Anatomy for Yogis: The Spine & Core
Length: 3.25 Hours
After taking this course, you’ll have a foundational understanding of the structure of the spine, the way that the spine and core move, the main muscles involved in this area, and helpful tools for teaching core-targeted movements on the yoga mat. You will also learn about several important myths about the spine and core that it’s time for the yoga world to move on from. Optional quizzes included for certification!
Applied Anatomy for Yogis: The Hip
Length: 2.5 Hours
After taking this course, you’ll have a foundational understanding of the structure of hip joint (and the lumbopelvic hip complex in general), the way that the hip moves, the main muscles involved in this area, and helpful tools for teaching, progressing, and sequencing hip-targeted movements on the yoga mat. You will also learn about several important myths about the hips that it’s time for the yoga world to move on from. Optional quizzes included for certification!
Applied Anatomy for Yogis: The Shoulder
Length: 3.5 Hours
After taking this course, you’ll have a foundational understanding of the shoulder joint complex and the way it moves, the main muscles involved in this area, and helpful tools for teaching, progressing, and sequencing shoulder movements on the yoga mat. You will also learn about several important myths about the shoulders that it’s time for the yoga world to move on from. Optional quizzes included for certification!
The Science of Strength
Length: 4.75 Hours
In Part 1, you will understand how strength adaptations happen in the body, the multiple factors that influence strength, best practices for effective strength training, the benefits of strength for our health and well-being (strength is about so much more than aesthetics!), and the ways in which a strength training practice aligns perfectly with the goals of a yoga practice. Part 2 covers how strength works, we cover eccentric strength training, full range of motion strength training, fatigue and failure, and 4 key principles of strength training: progressive overload, variety, specificity, and individuality. This info will light up your yoga/movement practice & teaching and will make your classes more effective and intentional!
Pain Science: Theory & Application for Yogis
Length: 4.5 Hours
Pain science is a paradigm-shifting topic that should be required knowledge for all yogis. Even though we don’t diagnose or treat pain as yoga teachers, a working knowledge of the science of pain gives us essential insights into how the body works and therefore has huge implications for how we approach the body in the context of yoga and movement.
How to Be Creative in Your Yoga Sequencing
Length: 75 Minutes
In this workshop, Jenni highlights the topic of creativity in yoga sequencing, focusing on:
1) why creativity in yoga sequencing can be beneficial
2) what can commonly hold us back from creativity in yoga
3) Jenni’s personal tips & techniques for cultivating your own creative process with yoga & movement -
Stretching and Strengthening Are Not Opposites
Length: 90 Minutes
Few myths have caused as many misunderstandings about the body as the widespread belief that “stretching & strengthening are opposites”. In this 90-minute continuing education workshop for yoga teachers, we thoroughly deconstruct these terms (as well as related terms like “flexibility”, “strength” and “muscle contraction”) to offer a clearer and much more accurate understanding of the relationship between stretching & strengthening.
Yoga, Movement, and The Nervous System
Length: 90 Minutes
The nervous system is the most important driver behind everything we do both on and off the yoga mat, but it also tends to be quite under-appreciated in yoga eduction & YTTs. This workshop consists of a thorough overview of the anatomy & function of the nervous system with special attention given to many specific topics that are relevant for yoga & movement teachers.
Yoga and the Pelvic Floor
Length: 70 Minutes
What should yoga/movement teachers be aware of regarding the pelvic floor so that we can support our students (and ourselves!) better? When does the breath matter for pelvic floor health? What are the known causes of pelvic floor dysfunction? What role does alignment play in pelvic floor health? Learn about all of this and much more in this expert presentation + Q&A!
How To Add Load to Your Yoga Practice
Length: 60 Minutes
We know that most yoga practitioners could benefit from adding load to their yoga practice. But how exactly can we achieve this? In this 1-hour mini-workshop, Jenni outlines 6 concrete strategies that we can all begin to employ right away for making our yoga practice stronger, whether we practice in a setting that has weights or not.
Different Types of Muscle Contractions
Length: 60 Minutes
Why do the differences between eccentric, concentric, & isometric contractions matter in yoga? When might we want to consciously use an eccentric contraction over a concentric one, or an isometric over an eccentric? What unique properties do they each offer the body?
How Stretching Affects the Tissues of the Body
Length: 90 Minutes
This workshop seeks to bring clarity to the topic of stretching and its effects on the tissues of the human body. This information is a must for any yoga student or yoga teacher interested in a modern, science-based perspective on the body and yoga!
5 Weeks to Strong, Flexible Shoulders
Length: 15-20 minutes every 3 days
An online shoulder strengthening and flexibility program based on movement science. One 15-20 minute practice video every 3 days for 5 weeks. Designed specifically for people who lack upper body strength, or for long-time yoga practitioners whose main upper body strengthening has been their yoga practice, this innovative program will lead you through smart, progressive practices over 5 weeks to create well-rounded shoulder strength & flexibility!
5 Weeks to Strong, Flexible Hamstrings
Length: 10-15 minutes every 3 days
An online hamstring strengthening and flexibility program based on movement science. One 15-20 minute practice video every 3 days for 5 weeks. It's becoming more widely-understood these days that yogis (and really everyone!) could use to significantly strengthen their hamstrings. Hamstring-strengthening increases joint health, tissue resiliency, and flexibility.
Deconstructing the Pelvic Tuck
Length: 80 Minutes
In this online workshop, Jenni uses her modern, science-based approach to offer clarity and insight around the pelvic tuck. Questions that tend to permeate the yoga world are all answered, such as: Should we tuck the pelvis in yoga? Should we not tuck the pelvis in yoga? Is tucking the pelvis non-optimal alignment? What cues lead to pelvic-tucking? What IS a pelvic tuck?
Re-Imagining Hip-Openers
Length: 125 Minutes
What does it mean to "open our hips"? After taking this workshop, you will clearly understand the anatomy of the hips, updated movement science on flexibility and stretching, and essential strategies for creating mobility within a container of stability that you can incorporate into your asanas, no matter which style of yoga you practice.
Anatomy of the Spine
Length: 140 Minutes
One of the keys to aging gracefully is having a healthy spine that moves well. This informative and engaging workshop is perfect for yoga teachers, yoga students, and anyone who has a spine. Learn about the anatomy & function of the spine, how to change your habitual movement patterns of your spine, and current pain science insights in relation to the spine.
Body Geek Chat: Muscles and Yoga Anatomy Images
Length: 40 Minutes
The images that we see in yoga anatomy books that show one set of muscles in one color as "stretching" and another set of muscles in a different color that are "strengthening" are very common, but outdated! Muscles don't actually work this way, and as yoga teachers, we'll serve our students better if we understand how they truly work to create movement in our bodies.
Strategies for Teaching New Asana
Length: 40 Minutes
This workshop is intended to offer some help and support to yoga teachers who struggle with how to introduce new and non-traditional movements into their yoga classes without being met with too much resistance from their yoga students.
All courses above are included in the Continuing Education Membership, and the Full Access Membership.