Stretching Science 101
A Yoga Continuing Education Course
Take a 2-hour dive into the fascinating foundations of stretching science!
On the surface, stretching seems simple, right? Just put your muscles in a lengthened position and hold there and voila! That’s all you need to know about stretching! ;)
Well, we could of course treat stretching that simply if we wanted to. But as yoga/movement geeks, we’re naturally curious about deeper and intriguing questions like:
What effects does stretching have on the body, both in the short term and in the long term?
How does stretching actually work? When we gain more flexibility as the result of stretching, how did that increase in flexibility happen?
Do different varieties of stretching have different effects on the body?
What about stretching for injury prevention? Or stretching for athletic performance?
Are long-held passive stretches injurious for the body?
Which is better for range of motion: active or passive stretching?
Luckily, this workshop addresses all of these questions and much more – and all delivered with Jenni’s signature style of translating complex information into accessible and relevant concepts for yogis and movers.
Note the optional quiz you are welcome to take for certification that you have completed and comprehended this course. It’s located at the end of the page.