challenge your body
and your mind

Jenni Rawlings is a yoga teacher with an emphasis on anatomy, biomechanics, and movement science. She teaches playful-yet-strong yoga classes that integrate opportunities for new and novel movements to continually challenge the body & the mind.



Jenni’s blog

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What to Do When Your Yoga Teacher Training Taught Pseudoscience

How to Prep for Backbends in Yoga

Why “Joint Stacking” in Yoga Isn’t About Safety

get to
know jenni

Jenni teaches yoga classes, yoga anatomy workshops,
and yoga trainings online via her website. Get to know her and her instructors more!

latest classes

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Quick Warm Up Flow 74

Move Your Spine Flow

Quick Warm Up Flow 73

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Every 1-2 weeks, Jenni delivers a ton of free & educational info about yoga & movement science right to your inbox.