Welcome to our course, and thanks for refreshing your teaching and movement knowledge with me this spring!
Our course has now officially begun! See below for our weekly content ⬇️.
The plan: Each Monday, I'll assign you 1-2 hours of video content about a selection of yoga poses, plus a quick and easy quiz and one homework question.
You'll have the full week each week to watch the video content, answer the quiz, and post your homework answer in the course forum.
Course content: This is the home page for the course. You can find it any time via the link in my website header ⬆️ or in the “Your Account” section of my site. This is where all material for the course will be posted each week (but I'll also email you your materials as well!).
Forum account: Please activate your access to the forum space for this course. This is where you’ll answer each week’s homework question during the course, and it’s also where we can all ask questions! (If you’re new to the forum, just click the button “Continue with Jenni Rawlings - Yoga & Movement”, and then log in with the same login info you use to log into my website.)
Yoga Asana Analysis
8-Week Course Home Page
Welcome to our course, and thanks for refreshing your teaching and movement knowledge with me this spring!
Our course has now officially begun! See below for our weekly content ⬇️.
The plan: Each Monday, I'll assign you 1-2 hours of video content about a selection of yoga poses, plus a quick and easy quiz and one homework question.
You'll have the full week each week to watch the video content, answer the quiz, and post your homework answer in the course forum.
Course content: This is the home page for the course. You can find it any time via the link in my website header ⬆️ or in the “Your Account” section of my site. This is where all material for the course will be posted each week (but I'll also email you your materials as well!).
Forum account: Please activate your access to the forum space for this course. This is where you’ll answer each week’s homework question during the course, and it’s also where we can all ask questions! (If you’re new to the forum, just click the button “Continue with Jenni Rawlings - Yoga & Movement”, and then log in with the same login info you use to log into my website.)
I’m always here if you have any Q’s – feel free to
email me
send me a message via the chat box on this page
ask me your Q in the forum!
Thank you again for joining me for this unique course. 🙏 I’m excited to have the opportunity to connect with you through this content!
Our course material will be posted here ⬇️, week by week, once the course begins!
Week 2: March 10-16, 2025
Q&A Bonus Videos – Week 1
Week 1: March 3-9, 2025
Welcome to this course!