Yoga Asana Analysis
8-Week Course Home Page

Welcome to our course, and thanks for going “back to school” with me this Fall!

Our course has now officially begun!

A few logistical details:

  • This page is the home page “hub” for our course. Each week’s material will be both emailed to you and posted here on the home page (below ⬇️).

  • Please activate your access to the forum space for this course. This forum space is where you’ll answer each week’s homework question during the course, and it’s also where we can all ask questions! (If you’re new to the forum, just click the button “Continue with Jenni Rawlings - Yoga & Movement”, and then log in with the same login info you use to log into my website.)

Thank you again for joining me for this unique course. I’m excited to have the opportunity to connect with you through this content!
