Q&A Bonus Videos – Week 1

I pulled out three extra-interesting questions this week and answered them with video responses. Feel free to review these if the topics interest you!

Question 1: Micromanaging vs. Self-Organization

Here was the question: “I am a bit puzzled about your point self-organization vs micro-managing, as from my own experience adding a more subtle second (or third etc) layer of instructions is where a pose starts to unfold it’s potential magic.”

Here’s my response!


Question 2: Definitions: Flexibility, Mobility, & “Work”

Here was the question: “Can you talk about the relationship between mobility and flexibility? And while you’re at it, could you share your definitions of mobility, flexibility and ‘work’ (as you use it in the videos, for example, to increase and decrease the work in a pose)?”

Here’s my response!


Question 3: Active Muscles vs. “Hanging” in Yoga Poses

Here was the question: “Can you explain the importance of using muscle activation vs just letting a body hang (without muscle activation) in a yoga pose? Or is that even a point we need to address while teaching?”

Here’s my response!


Quick Links:


Week 2: September 9-15, 2024


Week 1: September 2-8, 2024