Target your entire body from head to toe in this innovative practice that doesn't require you to get up off the floor once! And who doesn't love that? In 45 minutes, we move from our feet progressively up our whole body to our head, and we practice targeted, isolated movements to cultivate mobility and motor control in all of these areas. Your body should feel renewed after this practice!
This class utilizes 1 yoga block and 1 yoga blanket, bolster, or cushion.
MicroMovements Whole Body Practice
Target your entire body from head to toe in this innovative practice that doesn't require you to get up off the floor once! And who doesn't love that? In 45 minutes, we move from our feet progressively up our whole body to our head, and we practice targeted, isolated movements to cultivate mobility and motor control in all of these areas. Your body should feel renewed after this practice!
This class utilizes 1 yoga block and 1 yoga blanket, bolster, or cushion.
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Wrist Conditioning For Yogis
Morning Joint Mobility Practice - Upper Body