Day 30

Dive into today's practice, and please also be sure to see the important notes I've included below about wrapping our challenge up! ⬇️

In today’s practice, we visit classic yoga standing poses in new ways in this yoga snack flow. This is an all-around whole body practice that serves as a great way to light up your day with energizing movement!

Special Notes At the Conclusion of Our Yoga Snack Challenge!

After today's practice, you will have officially COMPLETED OUR ENTIRE YOGA SNACK CHALLENGE! This is a major accomplishment :), and it says a lot about your commitment and connection to your yoga practice. I’m so impressed! 👏 😃

Here are a few logistical notes as we wrap things up:

First of all, all 30 yoga snack practices will remain up for you on the challenge home page until July 15th. Feel free to revisit any of them, and definitely feel free to catch up on any practices that you might have missed if you fell behind during this past month at all (which is so easy to do, I know!).

Has this challenge helped you develop a yoga practice habit?

I know that some of you have expressed that you’d really love to find a way to continue with the momentum you’ve started with this challenge once the challenge ends!

I just want to put a bug in your ear that I’m planning to keep this challenge up and available indefinitely (beyond the July 15th expiration I mentioned above) for those of you who are monthly members on my website. :)

(By “monthly member”, I just mean that you’re a member of either my yoga class library, my continuing education membership, Strength for Yoga Remote Group Training, or of course, the Full Access membership!)

So if you’re not a member and you’d like to join, you can stay connected to this Yoga Snack Challenge indefinitely!

And aside from this specific challenge, I do have a ton of other 10-minute warm up flows in my full yoga class library (like a ton!). Plus all of the other longer classes in the full library are there for you as well. (And the monthly, curated Yoga Class Club that’s available in the library is a halfway step toward a challenge like this one!)

So there are truly many of options for bringing the energy from this challenge forward if you’re interested. Just FYI! 😃

What about the community forum?

I have personally really loved getting to connect with so many of you in our community forum for this challenge!

The interaction we're able to have there helps to broaden our yoga connection beyond these structured yoga classes – into more of an overall greater sense of community and meaning.

After July 15th, the specific "June Yoga Snack Challenge" part of the forum will close. But all of the rest of the spaces in the forum will remain open!

This greater forum is an offering that I make available for the monthly membersof my website. So once again, if you'd like to stay connected with this resource and if you aren't yet a monthly member on my site, just sign up here for one of the membership options, and I'll be excited to continue to connect with you in the forum indefinitely!

If you have any questions about our Yoga Snack Challenge or my other yoga offerings, feel free to email me or send me a message via the chat box on this page.

Thank you so much for joining me and our entire yoga challenge community for this unique Yoga Snack Challenge. I really look forward to seeing you on the yoga mat again soon! 🙏🏽



Day 29