Day 28

This yoga snack will move your whole body, but we have an extra focus on spinal mobility and heart openers in this sequence! An excellent 10-minute way to break up your sedentary time during your day!

P.S. After today, you'll have just two practices left in our yoga snack challenge! 😱 Can you believe it??

P.S.S. I know that some of you have expressed that you’d really love to find a way to continue with the momentum you’ve started with this challenge once the challenge ends! I just want to put a bug in your ear that I’m planning to keep this challenge up and available for those of you who are monthly members on my website.

(By “monthly member”, I just mean that you’re a member of either my yoga class library, my continuing education membership, Strength for Yoga Remote Group Training, or of course, the Full Access membership!)

So if you’re not a member and you’d like to join, you can stay connected to this Yoga Snack Challenge indefinitely!

And aside from this specific challenge, I do have a ton of other 10-minute warm up flows in my full yoga class library (like a ton!). Plus all of the other longer classes in the full library are there for you as well. (And the monthly, curated Yoga Class Club that’s available in the library is a halfway step toward a challenge like this one!)

So there will be lots of options for bringing the energy from this challenge forward if you’re interested. Just FYI! 😃


Day 29


Day 27