Yoga Class Club: September 2024

Hey Everybody,

Welcome to September in our Yoga Class Club!

I have two quick announcements:

1) I am so excited to share our brand-new special guest teacher in the class library with you: Magnus Ringberg! Magnus is a yoga teacher, physiotherapist, and sports medicine researcher, and I’ve been a major fan of his work for years now (literally!). Magnus has written multiple articles for my blog over the years, and I’ve asked him many times to contribute some yoga classes for our community in my yoga class library, and he finally(!) had the time to do this for us!

This month, we’ll be releasing his first class: Creative Sun Salutation Flow. You can find it below in the “Active Yoga Practices” section. I hope you enjoy his fresh and innovative approach to his yoga/movement classes!

2) Our specialty class this month is a class on shoulder stand. I know that shoulder stand isn’t the most popular yoga pose out there these days ;), but I ask of you to give me a chance to make you love shoulder stand through this fun class in which we break it down and put it back together again!

A few other reminders about our Yoga Class Club:

–Please feel free to branch out from this class “club” and take any other classes from the greater library that you like (of course!). But just know that this September selection represents what I see as a balanced overall month-long practice.

–Also feel free to substitute any other class from the library (or from any other yoga teacher if you also take classes elsewhere, for that matter!) for one of the ones I’ve included in this club if I happen to choose a class this month that isn’t a good fit for your body or your practice. If you’re using the Accountability Checklist (scroll down to find it), you can also fill in your class substitution on there to replace the one I’ve suggested. :)

Enjoy our Yoga Class Club selection for September ‘24, everybody, and see you on the mat!


P.S. Remember that I’m always here in our community forum if you have any comments, questions, or feedback about the “Club”!

Warm-Up Flows: 10-minute yoga/movement snacks

–Take each class 1x/week this month

  • Light Backbend Flow

    Light Backbend Flow

    Move your spine in this quick flow! A lunge sequence leads us into some tabletop dancer fun. BTW the opening lunge sequence in this practice is one of my favorite sun salutation-”ish” variations. :) I hope you love it as much as I do!

  • A Bit of Lower Body Fun

    A Bit of Lower Body Fun

    This yoga snack moves our whole body, but we have an extra focus on connecting to all of the muscles of our lower body. Break up your day with this grounding flow!

Gentle yoga practices – when you want to move, but without a lot of effort

–Take each class once this month (and more if you need it)

  • Gentle & Restorative Wind Down Practice (29 min)

    Gentle & Restorative Wind Down Practice (29 min)

    When I teach restorative-style yoga classes, I often like to sequence some gentle, but dynamic movement in the first part of the class that helps prepare us to lie still in longer, sustained, restorative poses in the second half of class. I find that combination to work well!

  • Keep It Low Mellow Flow 4 (27 min)

    Keep It Low Mellow Flow 4 (27 min)

    I love long-ish, wandering yoga sequences that are woven together into an integrated flow, and the flow in this class is no exception! It’s mellow (which is awesome!), but we get to thoroughly move and connect to all of the major joints of the body. I hope you enjoy this appealing and potent gentle practice!

Active yoga practices – we flow and connect to our breath, but the challenge level is moderate

Take each class at least 2x this month

  • Heart Opening Flow (41 min)

    Heart Opening Flow (41 min)

    This heart-opening flow practice moves our whole body, but we have an added layer of focus on the upper and mid-back (thoracic spine) region, and the shoulders! We weave all of this mobilizing into some fun peak poses. Enjoy this creative, active flow!

  • Natarajasana (Dancer Pose) Flow (34 min)

    Natarajasana (Dancer Pose) Flow (34 min)

    I sequenced this class to prepare us in all the ways for dancer pose! That means the overall movement focus of this class is on shoulder and spine mobilizing (but we of course move our whole body as well.) And as always, this class is creatively-sequenced, and I hope you’re able to feel the intentional way that all of these movements were linked together!

  • Creative Sun Salutation Flow / Special Guest(!) Magnus Ringberg

    Creative Sun Salutation Flow / Special Guest(!) Magnus Ringberg (40 min)

    I’m more than excited to introduce our brand-new special guest teacher in the library: Magnus Ringberg! 🎉🎉 I’ve been a major fan of Magnus and his yoga/movement teaching and education work for years, and he finally decided to contribute some specially-created classes for our community! This Creative Sun Salutation Flow is his first practice for us, and I think you’ll love it!

Strong flows (optional)– when we really want to level up the challenge!

Take each class 2x this month if your body wants a more fiery practice

  • Vigorous Vinyasa Flow 4

    Vigorous Vinyasa Flow 4 (34 min)

    This novel practice weaves us through a creative and energizing standing flow that builds on itself over a few repetitions. We also get to work with one of my favorite shoulder mobility/rotator cuff strength moves – the YTWL! (You’ll see what I mean when you take the class – it’s a good one! :) )

  • Evil Blanket Strength

    Sun Salutation Countdown 2 (60 min)

    At an hour in length, this is one of the longer classes in the library – which can be great when you really want to dedicate some time to the mat! But if you have less time and are still looking for a jolt of strong yoga energy, consider just taking the first 30 min of this class and then stopping the video and taking savasana! That’ll take you through sun salutation A and B and some fun dandasana walks, and I personally love that as a practice on its own!

Specialty class (optional)– a yoga class with an extra specific focus

Take this class 1 or more times this month if this specialty focus feels relevant for your body!

  • Bringing Shoulder Stand Back (33 min)

    Bringing Shoulder Stand Back (33 min)

    I know, I know... shoulder stand doesn't seem to be the most popular yoga pose out there these days ;), but I actually think this is a great pose that has a ton to offer us! Especially in terms of upper back and shoulder strength and mobility. I ask of you to give me a chance to make you love shoulder stand through this fun class in which we break it down and put it back together again! :)

Yoga Class Club
Accountability Checklist

An optional feature to help you stay on track with your yoga practice!

  • Keep track of the yoga classes you take this month

  • Print this checklist out, or type right into it in digital form

  • You can also use this checklist as a helpful, quick guide to our practices this month – whether or not you choose to officially fill it out. :)

Yoga Class Club Community Forum

  • Comments or questions about this month’s classes?

  • Want to connect and share with other yogis in the Yoga Class Club?

  • Do you have any suggestions or feedback about this new class library offering?

Please share any and everything in our new forum space!

**To access the forum, simply log in with your JRY login info. If you have any issues logging in, email me or message me via the chat box on this page!