Jenni Rawlings | Yoga & Movement

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Week 3: September 16-22, 2024

Welcome to week 3 of our Yoga Asana Analysis course!

I hope you enjoyed the material we covered last week about high lunge, warrior 1, chair pose, twisting chair pose, and malasana.

And in case you missed it, I shared a bonus video response to a great question that came in this week! This question was about shoulder external rotation in down dog, warrior 1, and other yoga poses in which we take our arms overhead. I shared this video in the forum, but I’ve also put it in a separate location for easy access - feel free to check it out right here!

Now our new course material this week covers a fresh selection of yoga asanas: Warrior 2, Triangle Pose, Side Angle Pose, Reverse Warrior, Half Moon, Navasana, and Ardha Navasana.

The standing poses in this selection all take place primarily in the frontal plane of movement. (That’s the plane of movement in which our body moves side-to-side (laterally), and the movements are visible if we look at the body from an anterior or posterior view. 🤓)

And in addition to our side-facing standing poses, we also have a video on two classic core-focused yoga asanas.

I hope you enjoy breaking down and analyzing this new collection of poses with me!

As a reminder, you’ll have this full week to:

  • watch the video content (below)

  • complete the quick quiz on these videos (below)

  • and share your answer to this week’s homework question in our cohort forum. (Homework Q posted below!)

Please complete these assignments by the end of the day on Sunday, September 22nd.

And remember, I’ll be present in the cohort forum all week to read and review everyone’s homework submissions, and I’ll also be there to answer any and all questions that might come up for you about this week’s course material!

I hope you enjoy your content for this week, and I’ll see you in the forum!


Video Content:

Warrior 2

Triangle Pose

Side Angle Pose & Reverse Warrior

Half Moon

Navasana & Ardha Navasana

Quiz for Week 3’s videos

See this content in the original post

Homework question for week 3

Please post your response to this question in the “Week 3 Homework” thread in our cohort forum!

What is one piece of information or insight from this week’s course content that you’ll bring with you into your yoga teaching or practice this coming week, and why?

(This can be anything that was covered – big or small! – about any of the poses we covered this week: Warrior 2, Triangle Pose, Side Angle Pose, Reverse Warrior, Half Moon, Navasana, or Ardha Navasana. And no need to write a 2,500-word college essay—just a quick response with your thoughts will be perfect! 😀)

**Reminder: In an attempt to keep our cohort forum easy to navigate :), please post your homework answer in the single thread that’s specifically for our Week 3 homework. It’s pinned to the top of our “Yoga Asana Analysis Course Fall 2024” space in the forum!

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